Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Week Ten EOC:What Channels are you going to do to get your product noticed?

Since my product is a very high end beer, I am going to have to think of very interesting ways to get my product out in the world.  I think the best way to advertise a product is that sex sales.  If you have these amazing women that is pouring your product and making it look like a very high end product.  The best place that would make my beer even more high end would be to just show it off at a high end club.  Especially if I were to have sings all over clubs all over Las Vegas even a bill board just saying.  Terro Da’ Oro the experience is going to you soon.  Cause that is what my beer is, it is not just something that you sit and drink while watching a football game it is a beer that makes you look like you know what you are doing and you have the money to buy it.  The channel for my beer would be very different from most beer channels, because most beers out there are not considered to be something high-end.  You would never find a beer on a VIP menu at TAO, but my beer you would.  This is a market that has not been toughed yet and soon my beer and Terro Da’ Oro is going to own it.   (Distribution channels are more than simple collections of firms tied together by various flows. They are complex behavioral systems in which people and companies interact to accomplish individual, company, and channel goals.)

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